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About Me

Who am I?

Born and brought up in the laps of “Maa Kamakhya” in Sivasagar, Assam. A beautiful place blessed and pampered by Lord Shiva from the east and Azan Pir Dargah from the west. Completed schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya and then graduated from Delhi University. I have done my M.A/ PGDTTIM/ MBA and still if I get a chance again, I would love to get educated and would enjoy adding few more subject knowledge to my career. I worked with many renowned MNCs but wasn’t getting that kick for which I was born for, so I kept on leaving my jobs. Started an event management company in Guwahati in 2009 and that was the time I started enjoying my profession as it was my passion of hosting stage, creating millstones and celebrating with individuals accomplishing their destiny.
But life is a journey and it comes with opportunities as Green Lights, bad companies as Red Lights, Loops called unsuccessful attempts, pits called sudden downfall, turnings called shifting jobs and changing priorities and a finally a destination called success. Every other individual faces these Red Lights, Loops, and Turning Points but very few drive it firmly and reach their destinations safely. I too had this journey of confusions, ups and downs but I finally managed to get on to the right track where I see many confused students, professionals, and leaders as pedestrians standing for a lift to reach their desired destination. And here I come as a chauffeur who trusts taking one more person to his/her goal is my purpose of life.

My Plans?

I am progressively working on assignments which make things easier for my life & so do for my audiences and the lives of the folks around me. My work is reflection of my thought, I have always tried to deliver my cent % on stages all these years; and on the go… I promise to inspire, to motivate, to ignite even the last looser of this planet. I have plenty on the agenda and schedule next.
I want to accelerate more, achieve more, learn more, explore more, live more and realize more dreams of my folks into reality — encourage more & more people to live my 100% life.


Years of Experience

My Energy source:

Almighty GOD (The Generator, The Operator, The Destroyer), who never created any biasness while creating this planet and us as individuals. I have seen and understood that people get different marks, different education, different job offers, varying salary packages, varied life styles etc, but when born almighty blessed us with all almost with same physical features and equal level of success rates, equal distribution of day and night, equally 24 hours etc. Between the days we breathed first and the day we would be breathing last lies our journey called “Life.” Few enjoys and many just spent, some writes a history but majority just read it, few becomes legend and many becomes none, handful are remembered even after their death but numerous are not even noticed when they are alive. Coming to this world is almost same but saying good bye completely depends on our karmas and actions.
Secondly, thanks to all teachers and folks who taught me even the smallest episode, not only from the books but also from the real life practices.
And my utmost appreciation goes to “Maa N Papa” without whom life would have been a real tough. Who always gave me the best in life and made me an opportuniac, you made me realized why I was born for, sooner or later I will make you guys feel proud of your son.

Some of my Keynotes:

  • Take life seriously or else life will not take you seriously.
  • कुछ करना ही जिंदगी है, वर्ना समय तो जानवरों के भी आते है (Doing something is Life, otherwise every dog has its Day)
  • सही वक़्त कभी आता नहीं इसे लाया जाता है, मौके कभी जाते नहीं बतोर छीन लिए जाते है. (Right time never comes it is achieved, opportunity never gets lost its grabbed by others)
  • सुन कर कहना जवाब है, बिना सुने कहना बकवास है I ( Replying by listening is an answer, or else without hearing; revert is a crap)
  • समस्या समस्या में नहीं, हमारे सोच में है.. समाधान औरो से नहीं अपने आप में है ( Problem isn’t a problem it’s in our mind, the way solution is not with others it is with us)
  • गया वक़्त और व्यतीत अतीत सिर्फ सिखने में काम आते है ( Gone time and past is only to learn & experienced things)
  • जिंदगी के बाद मौत आना दस्तूर है कायनात का, क्या मर मर के जीना भी कोई कला है जिंदगी का? (Every life is followed by a death, is dying every day is again an art of life?)
  • कर्म वह है जो सब कुछ साकार करता है, इन्द्रिया वह है जो सब कुछ विचलित करती है, इन्सान वह है जो जीता है एक बार मरने के लिए, और आज्ञानी वह है जो मरता है रोज जीने के लिए. (Hard work is the only tool to accomplish all our dreams, senses is those who distract our goal. Human is one who dies only once and fool is one who dies every single day)
  • समस्या के बारे में सोचने से, बहाने मिलते है. समाधान के बारे में सोचने पर उपाय मिलते है (Thinking of problem gives us excuses, and thinking of solution gives us remedy.)
  • जिंदगी को आसन नहीं बस खुद को मजबूत बनाये, मौज और मस्ती है जिंदगी इसे कायर और मजबूर न बनाये ( Don’t make your life easy make it large and strong, life is fun don’t make it coward and helpless)
  • One perfect hit will make you a fit in Life.

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